Clipping Toenails (scarey!)

I've been doing it for years and it still terrifies me - clipping doggy toenails that is. It's much easier if your baby has white nails as you can easily see the "quick". If they're black, then the photos below may help you avoid heart attack situations.

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The best doggy nail clippers (in my opinion!) are the ones that look like little garden shears, not the ones that have a blade that slides forward like a guillotine. With the guillotine type,  if the blade is not razor sharp there will be tendency for the nail to be crushed rather than "sheared" off - and you'll only get to hurt your dog once to never be allowed near their nails again without a major fuss! I also find it easier to see what I'm actually cutting with the "shears" type like the blue ones above.

I haven't found it necessary to spend a fortune on nail clippers - I've been using the same reject shop version for the last 4 years with no problems. Just make sure you clean and oil them before putting away so they don't go rusty. A friend of mine has a really heavy duty posh set of clippers, but I find them too heavy and bulky. She loves 'em though, so it's subjective.



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last update 14/10/2022


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